DO NOT get to hung up on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, cm or inches is a much more accurate methods of checking your results. Gaining muscle and there for mass, is a sign that you are making progress so don’t get down on yourself initially. Focus on the inches you are losing.
I started Nicola’s Midsection Meltdown course with a view to lose a few pounds and get rid of my ‘mum tum’ before the summer. What’s ended up happening is I’ve completely changed my approach to food and the way I think about being healthy. No crazy diets just common sense, moderation and filling up on the good stuff. Wiggle room, yes please, just not every day. I’ve loved the workouts as they’ve challenged me in different ways. Nicola is incredibly supportive, answers any question and the live chats made me feel really supported. Thank you Nicola and can’t wait for the next course.
Jodie Milner